Friday, August 13, 2004

Lemon tarts

The boundaries of my baking skills kingdom have been expanded. Lifting a receipe from a book (LG microwave receipes or something) I tried my hand/luck at lemon tarts. The receipe used was different from the one given in the link. However, in essence a lemon tart is made of 2 modules :)

One is the base and the other the filling. The base is flour-based and the lemon thingy is in the filling or topping. The topping needs to be pulpy or jam like. Lemon and sugar give the taste and the texture is dervied using flour, corn startch/egg. Although mine could have tasted better (Megha did not dislike it nor did she have an overwhelming urge to gobble loads of it and termed it as "interesting") it does make a tasty dessert.

I guess replacing the lemon juice with orange juice should give orange tarts..that's what I plan to try next.

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