Friday, May 08, 2009

India's secret weapon of fast destruction

So news is that Yuvraj Si.. err dimple darling err.. Rahul Gandhi has invented a secret anti-terror weapon that he intends to empower villagers with and destroy terrorism in 15 minutes. The Indian Express carried a small news item about Rahul's revelations.

The following is the excerpt
"I am confident that this country can take on terrorism. Defeating it is no problem. If we empower those people in villages, we can sit back, relax and we will destroy terrorism in 15 minutes,"
Field trials of the weapon will first be carried out in Pakistan's NWFP and Afganistan since India's anti-terrorism laws do not allow untested WFDs or weapons of fast destruction. The US military has also expressed interest in using them in Iraq. Talk is that this weapon will usher in a revolution in global arms trade and will make India one of the major exporters. Herein lies the genius of Rahul Gandhi. With a single invention he will solve both terrorism and economic growth. Although some people missed this scoop in their stories they are still calling the particular press conference in which he made this revelation as a coming of age of Rahul Gandhi. Of course if you are a Gandhi with political affiliation to the Congress, 'coming of age' translates directly to 'ready to be a prime minister'.

However, some experts feel that if the weapon inventor also gets to be the prime minister of a country the weapon may start working not just on terrorists but also against the very people it was supposed to protect and may lead to a pre-mature end of the world's largest de-mock-racy, possibly within 15 mins of assuming office.

PS: An interesting thing to note is the URL of the Indian Express article.
Lets you know what the reporter/news poster really thought :-)

Friday, April 03, 2009

Hurting sentiments

A while back I wrote a tweet about the Pope's condom comment. A friend advised me to be aware of "hurting sentiments". Unfortunately, I have never been able to reconcile freedom of speech and the hurting sentiments (HS) concept. Why is it that we need to worry about HS when hurtees (the ones whose sentiments were hurt) have collectively caused more harm to this world than some random bloke like me blurting out a random quote? I refuse to feel apologetic or to keep quiet for fear of HS when the other party has actually been responsible for physically hurting human beings (actively or passively).