Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Acceptable Abuse of Sanctity

In most societies today swearing/abusing is common place. It is probably more prevalent amongst men than women. The chioce of words often is very colorful and can involve several blood relations and genetalia. Despite the sacrilege involved it is acceptable in certain social situations and contributes to a lot of banter, humour and entertainment. If it is possible to make peace with such offensive creations (offensive when taken literally of course) involving real and emotionally close people, why don't people do the same when it involves their "Gods" whom they never even get to see for real?

1 comment:

unforgiven said...

There are no bad words, only bad thoughts. -George Carlin

So yeah, taken in the spirit they were said, even words about God's should not be an issue. I for one, don't have that issue but then, being an atheist, that probably doesn't count for much :P

Abuse is something when it "hurts" someone, i.e., despite however againt my *own* way of living it goes, I try to not use profanity when around people who really mind it..

Ofcourse, I also try not to stay *around* people who would mind profanity in the first place ;)