Hours after one thought of voting for the BJP, one hears that the Advani and Rajnath Singh missed the all party meet convened by the PM because they were busy campaigning in Rajasthan. I say Mr Advani, why are you trying so hard to turn voters away from your party? The best campaigning would have been to attend that meet and playing the role of the opposition leader by taking the government to task and contributing constructively towards an action plan. On the other hand Vilasrao takes actor son and director Ram Gopal Varma to see the Taj devastation. Additionally, RR Patil, thinks small issues keep on happening in big cities.
Really, why do politicians in our country like to stick their head up their own ass with such amazing regularity, across party boundaries, I must add.
In other news, the Congress matriarch Sonia and the patriarch-heir, her son Rahul, are beating up all the incompetent mongrels that form the Government of India, especially the one named Shivraj, bad dog, no home ministry bone for you...
Update: And I forgot to mention how the Chief Ministers V.S. Achuthanandan and Narendra Modi were turned away.
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