About a month back my mom and sis Saee flew down to B'lore. The very next day B'lore was going to host a
Joe Satriani show and Saee wanted to attend it pretty badly. Saee was on a different flight and reached a bit earlier and was waiting on the airport with Megha and much to her delight realised suddenly that certain white people coming out of the arrivals gate were in fact the Joe Satriani troupe along with the man himself. What followed involved plenty of delirium I am told :) They got some books autographed but wanted to take pictures too..Megha has a camera phone and that one came in very very handy...I was not expecting very good picture quality but was impressed when we actually transferred the images to a comp. Have posted some of them. And not only here but when we went to the concert I was surprised at the number of hands that went up trying to capture images of the concert..