And whats more got work straight away after coming back on the 12th. However now I have struck the wall and can't progress. Lack of documentation for one of the tools I am using..So ll just blog has been a long time coming :)
Some pics. Wedding day, when we both signed the legal papers..that was the meat of the ceremony thankfully :) and reception..countless touching feet of elders this day :(( Had abt 1200 ppl that day :(( The customary "Do u recognize me?", "ya ya". "ok now tell me who I am?", "oops :p dont recognize u that well" was also a regular feature that day :)
Ya so we got married and not much changed and much did :). I guess a big thing to change was the legality of the whole thing :p
The wedding ceremony was a cute one. Nothing religious, only legalities. The registrar had been called to Megha's place and we had a nice pandal there. Both of us were made to sit down with the registrar and then we signed some legal papers. Then both of us were given legal vows. "Me <full name>, <counterpart's full name>, yanana kaydeshir pati/patni mhanun sweekar karto." This had to be repeated 3 times by both and each time was accompanied by a lot of noise from all the junta around was fun. Then we exchanged rings and garlands and mangalsutra and a chain. I had forgotten to get my ring but my mom hadn't and so I was saved some embarassment :p.
This was followed by a round of touching the feet of any and everybody and then lunch. Then we went to my place. We were welcomed by all the bacchaa party with a shower of flowers and petals from the first floor just as we stepped into the veranda at my place..then there was some music and dancing in the afternoon. In the evening there was a "satyanarayan" pooja at my place. If one goes by the rituals then this is a mandatory one before the couple and indulge in earthly sins :p We both had to sit for about 2 hrs to complete the pooja. The brahmin was as usual loose and flexible with the pooja and thankfully sprinted through under his breathe with the "satyanarayan katha" which has to be read to the victims :)
At night there was dinner at my place for Megha's and my relatives and friends. The menu at my place included bhakri, baigan bharta and red-chilli thecha. The funny thing was that some ppl mistook the thecha for gajar halwa and started off their dinner with a big mouthful of it :)
Well all this pooja and all and I find out at night that we had to sleep in separate rooms :((